Which are the best Liaisoning Architects in Pune?
LIASONING ARCHITECT IN PUNE The sovereign architect’s current construction and architecture industry has drastically changed. It has become a prerequisite for firms to appoint specialized consultants to liason and handle varied services related to infrastructure. What is Liasoning? Liasoning refers to the communication between two or more people or groups where in a person acts as an agent or intermediary between the parties. Who takes care of the Liasoning in construction? Liasoning architects Pune are consultants who take care of specialized jobs. They are considered to be a separate entity and act as an intermediary between the various agencies and departments who are involved in the construction business. What are the duties of a Liasoning Architect? While executing a project the principal architects take care of detailed planning and coordinating with the consultants related to infrastructural services only. A Liasoning Archi...